Focussing on marketing is vital for a photography business to grow.

To get that focus in a world of distraction can be very difficult, but I can help.

I must admit i am not a big fan of online courses.

But I have created one…WITH A DIFFERENCE.

Any online course is a templated affair, created usually by a photographer who
has only had the experience of doing things ONE way.

But that one way will probably not be suitable for other photographers who are in
a different country, different town, or in a different place on their photography business
So online courses can be a total waste of your hard earned money.

What makes yours so different you say?

Well when you buy my online course you also buy ME!

The course is called “Get More Portrait Photography Clients …FAST”

With my marketing online course we have 2 x Skype sessions together during the course
so that I mould all the information into YOUR specific needs dependant on where YOU live
and where YOU are in your business.

Makes sense hey!?

It’s like having me as a partner in your business.

With over 40 years as a successful photography business owner, with having done thousands of portrait
shoots and sales, with having photographed thousands of weddings, and with coaching photographers
around the world, do you think I would be of value in helping you?

In my coaching I am helping photographers create income daily.

Before you say ” I can’t afford you Bernie” let me tell you the cost.


If you can’t afford that then you have a financial problem.

There are lots of other things you could buy for $297, but if you want to grow your business, this can
do that.

I have only just set this up, so after the first 10 photographers have purchased it I will put the price up to
what it is really worth.

Check it out here……

Let’s Do This Together!

When you are ready for some serious coaching…….
Bernie Griffiths
World’s Number One Photography Business Coach

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.