Wasn’t It Good?
What an amazing year 2016 has proven to be.
As a Photography Business Coach I haven’t seen so much growth in the photography industry for many years.
So many personal business records were broken with my clients.
One photographer had more turnover for the last six months of the year than the whole of the previous financial year! That is amazing Fi.
Many of my clients recorded at least one record sales month, Kate and John to name a couple, while many achieved record individual portrait sales, the highest being an amazing $30,000? Well done Murielle.
Three clients are creating new studios. One has almost finished converting a stand-alone two storey building that was once a Chinese restaurant, into a striking, contemporary dual studio set up. Very exciting Nick.
Belinda is converting their garage at home into a great studio/sales area facility, while Sandra, who after many years of working out of home, is re-fitting and totally renovating a shop in a vibrant outer Victorian suburb, into her dream studio.
National Family Portrait Month proved to be an amazing success, by not only raising over $30,000 for the nominated charity, but also in creating over 600 photography sessions for participating photographers.
One studio alone created over $40,000 in sales from NFPM sessions. Good work Heath!
Facebook has been the King of Marketing, with hundreds of thousands of turnover created for my clients using my suggested simple Facebook strategies.
This from a UK based studio owner about a Facebook Marketing podcast I did with Photobizx.com.. about being a Photography Business Coach.
Business growth is the name of the game, and that should be the total focus in the upcoming months for your photography busness.
Don’t kid yourself. If your business isn’t growing in some way, shape or form, then it is dying!
Achieving growth takes dedication, time, doing a few things outside of your comfort zone, and knowing what to do.
As a Photography Business Coach I was kept super busy conducting over 750 Skype sessions with photographers, presenting many seminars, and creating thousands of dollars for my photography clients.
Certain words and phrases not to be used next years should include “I haven’t got time”, “can’t”, “I can’t afford it”, “I thought that”, “it’s too hard”, and “I assume”.
These should be replaced with “test and measure”, “ok, let’s do it”, “I love doing new things,” “I love the business side of things”, “I love Marketing”, and “I cannot fail if I try my best to grow my business every day.”
My philosophy for business has always been “ If It Is To Be…..Then It Is Up To Me.”
Changing Photographers Lives
“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your help this year.
We had another record month for December with 32 sessions booked in for next year.
I also wanted to tell you, I used your suggestion of a baby plan with newborn clients. I charged them $25 to add a 6 month and 1 year session after doing the newborn session. One family today came in and spent $3,090 for the 6 month session, so it is definitely working.” Kate & Chris Beuchner Uber Photography
www.berniegriffiths.com Photography Business Coach
Enquiries….info@aswpp.com.au Bernie +61418509228
Photography Business Coach