The Art of Selling


We all hate salespeople! Why? Because they are pushy, aggressive, annoying, untrustworthy, and will try to rip us off. Not all sales people of course, but maybe that’s the perception.


But, of course, you don’t want to be like that, do you? I hope not, for if you are that type of person, you will have a very short business life. One of your goals should be to develop into a better photography sales person. 


Most photographers hate the thought of being a salesperson. Their perception is that sales people are pushy, unethical and not trustworthy. 


I suppose that we have all had those bad experiences with salespeople who were pushy, and use all those clever salesperson type questions that lead you to say yes, when you meant no! 


I didn’t want to be like that. I had one of those experiences, and from that day I vowed that I would never be that type of sales person with the selling of my photography. So I came up with a fantastic sales system that I call my “retail sales system”.


No pressure on the customer, and no pressure on me. A system that anyone can implement in their photography business, to maximize the sales, and leave the customer feeling happy with their purchase.


You need to be successful at selling your photography, but at the same time you do not want to put your customers under pressure, or make them feel uncomfortable in any way about purchasing your images.


You must always build trust with your customer. This can be done by being open with your pricing, and having knowledge in your product.


 It is amazing how many photographers that I have spoken to, do not sound convincing when I ask them their prices or to describe their various photography products.


By asking emotive questions like “How do you feel about that?”, will also help the customer to mentally evaluate what they really like.


GRAB MY FREE BOOK  HERE  “The Ultimate Guide To Starting a Photography Business.”

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.