It can’t be done.

It’s too radical a change.

We don’t have the time.

We’ve never done anything like it before.

Why change everything is working OK.

It’s too far ahead of its time.

If it worked we would already be doing it.

We’re doing alright without it.

It certainly won’t work in my area.

Would you like to increase your sales average without changing your current pricing structure and at the same time present your product in a more professional manner?

 If so then read on, as I want to help you, the professional photographer, to achieve more income with a dynamic new portrait selling system.

The Initial Preparation For The Viewing Session

When a perspective client first visits the studio for you to take the photography session is it important for you to be enthusiastic before the session. Everything starts in the studio and you should focus on photographing the family as a group and then moving on to smaller groupings and individual portraits.

People buy expressions so make sure you get some great expressions.

Familiarise them with your product explain to them that there will be ordering from the photographs straight after the session point out that you will be able to work out an arrangement so that they can afford all of the photographs if they want them.

When discussing prices provide options they may want everything full size or perhaps a combination of small and large photographs, or files.

Never put the images on an online Gallery.

Any extra orders can be ordered from the main person doing the ordering, or even a separate Zoom sales session.

Bernie’s Soft Sell system first conceived over 10 years ago and it has fired photographers up to increase their sales in Australia, Canada, Uk, New Zealand, and in the United States regardless of the size of the town or the economic status of its citizens.

 Sales averages are multiplying rapidly , with positive thinking photographers everywhere adopting the Bernie Soft Sell System exclusively in their studios.

This method of marketing does however require simple selling techniques which may be unheard of to some more traditional studios.

You will achieve amazing increases in your sales by gradually changing your marketing approach, and with periodic tests and reviews of your results, you’ll undergo a smooth transition with guaranteed increased profits.

GRAB MY FREE BOOK  HERE  “The Ultimate Guide To Starting a Photography Business.”

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.