Imagine this,

Imagine you’re in the middle of having a great in person sales session with a client.  

You have built a great rapport with them, they appear happy with everything, and you have almost become like good friends.

But now it’s time to tell them the cost of what they want to buy.

And you have to ask for the money.

You start to get an uneasy queasy feeling in your stomach and you start to stumble on your words, afraid to say the price.

Your sweaty armpits get really itchy as you fear your potential client will say “No,” or freak out at the cost.

Negative voices drift into your head telling you that you’re not worth the amount that you have told them.

There has to be an easier and less stressful way for photographers to do their selling. 

Go here to check it out.  

You will discover how you can to overcome your “salesfright” when talking about your products and pricing.  

A proven step by step system that allows you not to sell anything, but rather let’s the customer buy.

“Bernie’s Soft Sell System will allow you to never feel self-conscious or afraid again when doing your in person sales sessions.  

You’ll also discover the simple strategies to doing a sales presentation that gets your clients feeling that you are worth what you charge, and you BELIEVE it too!

Follow the selling strategy and you can get rid of those sweaty armpits for good.

Create a Booming Photography Business – Grab my FREE Gift here

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.