During my 40 years of owning a studio I had amazing support and understanding from my wife with the long hours I spent in the business, the working on weekends, and the aggravation that I brought home on a regular basis, when business wasn’t going so well.

She worked tirelessly, bringing up our two kids, protecting me from anything bad, always having a great meal on the table when I arrived home late from the studio, and was my rock, when I felt like I was having a meltdown.

Running any small business isn’t easy.

We all know that.

Any small business owner needs support to help them through the hard times, and have someone to celebrate successes.

While I was truly blessed with the support I had in my business, as a photography business coach I understand that circumstances are not the same for everyone.

The article below is from a recent Design Aglow posting. www.designaglow.com


“To my unsupportive husband,

I know you work so hard every day to support our family and I want you to know that I appreciate it.

I respect you, and your job, but sometimes I feel like I don’t get that same respect back. I know that society has taught us to believe that photography is not a “real job”, so I’m not blaming you for thinking that way.

But I am asking you to change the way you think.

My love of photography may have started out as a hobby, but I’m a professional photographer now.

And even though my job doesn’t require me to put on a suit and go to an office every day, it is a real job.

I value your opinion and as my husband, I need your support. I need you to believe in me.

Running a photography business isn’t easy.

I need to invest in equipment and invest in training.

I need to shoot in the evenings and on weekends sometimes.

I won’t make a lot of money in the beginning.

And I know it feels risky to invest our money in my photography, but I want you to know this isn’t just an expensive hobby that I’m going to get bored with in 6 months.

This is a business.

I know you see me working hard to grow my business.

I’ve learned how to create a website and I’ve learned how to shoot manual and how to pose and work with all sorts of clients, even newborns.

I have set up an efficient workflow, made a business plan and customized legal contracts and policies for my business.

I’m getting paid for my work and even though it’s not a lot of money just yet, I know I’m on the right track.

But when you make sarcastic comments about how I’m better at spending money on photography than making money doing photography, I feel irresponsible.

When you use air quotes when you talk about my “photography business”, I feel humiliated.

When you tell me we shouldn’t spend $700 for me to go to a workshop, I feel ashamed for mentioning it.

When you tell me I should “just cancel that session” so we can make other plans, I feel disrespected.

I work just as hard as you do every day.

Just because my job does not bring home a steady paycheck does not mean that it is any less important than yours.

I know that’s not easy to hear.

But it’s true.

And it’s the root of all our problems involving my new business. I need your respect. I need your trust. I need your support.

Without it, my business will never succeed.


Your Wife, the professional photographer.

Letters From a Photographer is an original series by Design Aglow. Articles are meant to spark thought and conversation and be shared within our industry.”

I would welcome your comments…info@aswpp.com.au



#Photography Business Coach

#Business Coach

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.