Oh boy!!
More and more I see on the internet unrealistic, attention grabbing and super cheap photography businesses courses, weekly let’s get together chat Facebook groups, articles on how to get rich quick in your photography business, and a myriad of other simple ways to make heaps of money out of your photography. All great for those who are just playing the photography game, but certainly not applicable to those of you out there who are serious about making real money from their camera.
2019 sees 50 years of my being in the photography industry, as a Wedding/Portrait studio owner, a seminar presenter, and photography business coach.
Over those years I made millions of dollars in my own business, and millions of dollars for the photographers that I have mentored or coached.

So for 50 years I have never had a boss, and have had to create and overcome my own challenges.Many things have changed over the years and I have seen many photographers come into the photography business, and many more have hang up their camera and looked for easier ways of earning an income.

As I consult and talk with many photographers around the world, I’m surprised at how many of them play roulette with the money that they cannot really afford to gamble.

Too many of them don’t have any solid marketing strategies, and are just throwing money into different forms of advertising and hoping.

Fingers crossed.

This practice is far too common. Passionate photographers starting out in business are vulnerable, and are targeted by various large companies who find it easy, with their well rehearsed sales skills, to extract long term dollars from virgin professional photographers.

We are all too busy, and often distracted by family or a new piece of photographic software. 

We get so “busy” that we forget that the most important aspect of financial success is in being aggressive in our marketing programs.

No program? No customers, no sales.Get your Marketing wrong and you will suffer the consequences.I know that it is easy to work in our business playing at a computer, rather than working on our business, and working hard on creating new customers.I have the same goal for you as you have for yourselves.I want your business to grow every year.

The number one priority of businesses around the world, whether it be large or small, is in GETTING MORE CUSTOMERS.

The purpose of business is to CREATE customers.

If you want to grow your business, then you had better put this up as a big banner in your head, and repeat it to yourself constantly every day.

Then ACT on it.

Why not set aside just one hour a day, for two days a week and see what marketing and promotional ideas you can create. What have you got to lose? What have you got to gain?

“There is nothing that is a certain sign of insanity, than to do the same thing over and over again and expect the results to be different”. Einstein.

Grab my revised E-Book “7 Ways To Market Your Portrait Photography.”


Marketing For Photographers Online Course.

When you are ready for some serious coaching…….


Number One Photography Business Coach


photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.

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