Get a copy of Bernie’s book……

Photography Business Coach Bernie Griffiths has owned a wedding/portrait business for over forty years. While still photographing weddings and portraits, his passion now is in teaching and consulting with photographers, to help them fast track their businesses.
Running a successful photography business has changed rapidly—a totally new approach is needed to keep up. Bernie Griffiths’ new and ground breaking plan to succeed in today’s tough business environment isn’t filled with theory and fluff. It sets out to guide, with proven systems, a sure way to create success and fulfilment in your business.
Some of the things that you will learn in this book:
•How to create a good work/life balance
•Finding your niche market
•How to rethink marketing and sales
•Understanding the correct pricing strategy
•How to take control with an action plan

Available on

Kindle version available for $10.54.

Angela Matthews
“This book is a MUST HAVE for any photographer. Full of inspiration and invaluable knowledge it will definitely light your fire to success.”

Peter Eastway
” I’d like to recommend Bernie Griffith’s book. I know Bernie. I’ve attended his seminars. I’ve read his book. He is a straight shooter, telling people how it really is and his book is a great educational insight into what it takes to be a successful wedding and portrait photographer. Highly recommended.”

or call 0417 526 466

world’s number one photography business coach

photography business coach

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.