Who says that Facebook is past its use by date to create leads and money in the bank for smart photographers?
Many photographers it seems just can’t get Facebook to work.
That is because they don’t follow a proven formula.
They don’t do enough “test and measure” to refine the ad and make it work.
How would you like to get the sort of engagement like as below.20,893 People Reached, 2,116 Engagements, 402 Likes, 98 Comments
100 Shares. Amount spent on ad…$250.
Do you think this photographer would have generated a lot of leads from the ad?
Do you think with using a good “funnel” (and she does) she could get a few Photography Sessions from the ad.
She has two ads running like this at the same time.
Is she busy do you think?
Heck yes !!!!!!!
Pretty cool hey.
When was the last time you put up a Facebook ad and got this sort of interest?
I cover this ad strategy and lots more in my Online Course “Get More Portrait Photography Clients FAST”.
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