Many Portrait Photographers around the world struggle with getting more customers in front of their cameras.

Without customers there are no sales and no money!
I have spoken to photographers who are either trying to start their business or re-invigorate an existing business which is not getting results.
There is a common theme – photographers are passionate about their photography but are frustrated that they can’t get enough good customers to sustain a viable business.

They need help!

Why sit by the phone waiting for it to ring.

Get paying customers now.

How much money are you losing right now using your own marketing methods?

Wouldn’t it be great to have your camera in your hands, and be doing what you are passionate about?

Facebook Rocks

Facebook and Instagram are quite simply a part of our daily lives.

Your customers are on it and your future customers are on it.

If your are not generating business from it, you may be missing out on more enquiries and sales that you can handle.

Your Photography Business may not exist in the next 12 months if you don’t start to make Social Media a priority.

If the photographers in your town haven’t started utilising the potential and power of Social Media, then there is a good chance that they will.

Facebook Is Powerful Targeting.

With Facebook you can “ bulls eye” target your customers, in your town.

You can target specific genres to photograph, choose your suburbs, how much money you want to spend on an ad, when you run ad, and you can do it all from your phone, computer or laptop.

Whether you are looking for women with newborns, engaged couples, pets, families, kids 3-6 years old etc you can select them in your Facebook Ad.

You can also target the household income and even what car they drive!

The specific targeting available with Facebook is quite simply amazing!

Facebook is also so easy to engage with clients and prospects, and is by far the least expensive way to get clients in front of your camera. Nothing comes close.

It also enables you to easily communicate to your audience and the wider community around you.

There are thousands of people who want your photography, and Facebook can help you find them.

Instagram Can Lift Your Brand

Instagram is slowly becoming the new “go to” social platform.

It has highly engaged and loyal audiences made up of consumers, businesses and brands. Instagram is a more visual platform, making it ideal for photographers like yourself.

As a photography business coach I have learned that people create and consume content on Instagram a lot differently.

Let Murielle and myself show you how to use it correctly, so you can avoid the pitfalls that most photographers fall into when trying their hand at posting on Instagram.

Why Are We Doing This?

Many of you may be wondering why Murielle and I are giving you such valuable information, at such a cheap cost?

After Murielle and I had completed our series of “A Day For Photographers” around Australia earlier this year, many of the photographers attending told us that they would love us to do a specific presentation on how to implement Facebook and Instagram strategies into their business.

We also hate to see photographers struggle when we feel that we could help them.

As a photography business coach I am always looking for those photographers who want to grow their photography business (as Murielle did) a lot faster than if they were to try and work everything out by themselves.

WHEN……….Thursday 16 November.

WHERE……..Parkview Hotel. …562 St Kilda Road Melbourne.

TIME…………10am – 3pm.

COST …………$47.

Who Is This For?

Whether you are a full time or part time photographer, if you are looking at getting more clients to your business with minimal investment, then this is for you.

It’s all about making a difference in your business, and earning a lucrative living to enjoy the freedom and flexibility of being a professional photographer.

Our previous presentations around Australia were BOOKED OUT… so don’t miss out.

Venue capacity is limited, so the sooner you grab your ticket the better will be your chance of attending.

BERNIE GRIFFITHS The “Go To’ Photography Business Coach.

After having a successful studio for over 40 years, Bernie transitioned into being a Photography Business Coach.

He is now the “go to” coach for those studios looking at taking their business to the next level.

His studio experience, expertise in Facebook Marketing, and down to earth approach to business, has enabled him to help and guide photographers globally in growing their business processes, and generating thousands of dollars more  income.

MURIELLE SASSINE  “The Photography Queen of Social Media”

Murielle has run a successful photography business from home for over 17 years, and has achieved great success with her sales in the areas of family portrait and glamour photography. Her portrait sales this year have been “mind blowing” and she had a record turnover for her business, over the past 12 months, largely due to her use of Instagram and Facebook Marketing.

She will outline how she uses Social Media to create new customers and continually strengthen her already strong brand.

Don’t Miss out….BOOK NOW !

Andrew Hellmich from Impact Images “I used to pay for online ads that weren’t working – Google adwords and Facebook Ads. These ads weren’t generating bookings, so I used to tell myself, at least it’s good branding… my name is getting out there.

Then I stopped spending on any advertising at all. I was tired of wasting money.

Until I realised I was doing it all WRONG!!

I learnt one simple tactic from  photography business coach Bernie Griffiths about Facebook Ads and booked 7 engagement shoots, made print sales to almost all the couples and booked 6 weddings from those shoots. Ahhhmaaazing!

One couple even cancelled a booking with another photographer and lost their deposit to book me, all from one ad!

I used the same tactic with another FB ad and booked over 20 portrait sessions. FROM ONE FACEBOOK AD.

Paid Facebook advertising works… if you do it right.”

Let Murielle and I show you how to create money from Facebook and Instagram.

Don’t Miss out....BOOK NOW !

To Your Amazing Photography Business Success


photography business coach

worlds number one photography business coach

photography coach

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.