“I have been a photographer for over 20  years, I had a steady, decent income but realized I never actually gave myself a raise in those 20 years until I started the 5 Steps To Freedom Coaching Program with Bernie Griffiths.


Why do I believe this coaching program for portrait photographers is the best there is.

I had specialized in commercial and editorial photography for most of my career but in the past few years I had decided that wedding photography was a good option and went full in. I was winning awards, and quickly becoming one of the most expensive photographers in my area but still not making the kind of money I felt I should be making.

 I was burning out, exhausted from weekend weddings, not seeing my family and honestly, spreading myself “too thin”. I was shooting real estate, weddings, headshots, commercial and basically whatever came my way.. I was good at all of it but not focusing on any one thing.

I was working my tail off but really not getting ahead. I was working 7 days a week and running myself ragged.  I had no time for my family, leisure or basically anything fun. Each year when I reflected on the money I had earned it really wasn’t that significant to warrant being away every weekend from my young children.

I believed that by diversifying I would weather the storms and keep myself busy.

Oh boy was I wrong! 

Bernie really showed me how becoming a specialist could change my entire business. It did take a serious leap of faith but I will never regret committing to Bernie’s method, not for a second.

Everything changed when I found Bernie’s Coaching, which was during the pandemic. I found time to catch up on my favorite podcast, Photobizx and had heard of Bernie in the group and heard him speak so I decided to give him a call just to see what he thought about my situation and if he thought he could help elevate my business.

Andrew Hellmich from Photobizx had this to say about Bernie’s coaching…….

“Ok, let’s get stuck into this Facebook (FB) ad tactic that saw me book 23 shoots in a week!

BTW, this isn’t my strategy, it’s straight from the Bernie Griffith’s play book.

Bernie’s a photography business coach – he teaches his clients how to stay booked, charge for their work, be accountable and generally have a profitable photography business. I interviewed him in episode 136 and it was pure gold!

PBX136: Bernie Griffiths – A Challenge for You to Book More Portrait Photography Sessions.

Bernie’s 5 Steps to Freedom’ Signature Coaching Program has enabled me to focus in on my business, streamline my processes and show me how to get clients  are willing to pay $2-$6k+ for a session. I know it seems unreal, it did to me too , I was shocked at first but now I don’t really even think twice when someone drops 4 to 5k at a session.

In Bernie’s Coaching program, which unlike other programs is one on one, and includes regular personalised  Zoom Sessions. Bernie is personally there for me when I need him, he’s like having a guru on my shoulder leading me to learn a new way of thinking and running a business. 

The funny thing is, I actually thought I ran a decent business, but I was wrong!

There are many online resources in addition to unlimited personal contact with Bernie.

This includes numerous videos as well as inclusion Bernie’s closed Facebook Group of like-minded photographers who are on the same journey and who are incredibly supportive and sharing and who thrive on the successes of others in the group.

The Facebook group has been extremely valuable in connecting to other photographers who are going through the same changes I am and have been so supportive and helpful in so many areas. I now consider many of them friends and I look forward to meeting them in person this year at Bernies group meetup in Texas.

Bernie advocates increasing your profile within your community to become known as the go-to portrait photographer in your area. He can help you to increase your profile within your own area so that you are a trusted provider.

Setting a solid pricing structure has been pivotal in increasing average sales and Bernie’s constant monitoring of studio processes and the product pricing is invaluable.

Bernie’s Facebook Marketing is famous among the photography community is still creating millions of dollars revenue for photographers worldwide. He helps in creating the best possible outcomes from Facebook marketing.

As well as help with all of the business side of the portrait photography industry, Bernie’s knowledge of the consumer and what they are looking for together with his technical advice is a great resource.

He taught me about products that will sell by appealing to todays consumer and relating to photography and pricing, and which gives a profitable outcome. That is Bernie’s aim in bringing a portrait photography business to the next level.

Bernie’s Coaching has given me the confidence to move forward with my portrait photography business knowing that I have his support and knowledge, as well as the support and knowledge of others in the exclusive Signature Coaching Inner Circle Facebook Group.

This is the best portrait photography business coaching program in the world, and no online program can be as effective. I know because I have spent hundreds of dollars on online courses that became dated information, simply did not work.

GRAB MY FREE BOOK  HERE  “The Ultimate Guide To Starting a Photography Business.”



photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.