How easy is it to get “sucked in” on the internet when you are trying to grow your photography business?
Secret 1… From zero customers to 20 a month without any marketing.
Secret 2… One photographer making $10,000 monthly in her portrait photography within 3 weeks of starting without any selling.
Secret 3… Position yourself with pricing so that customers will queue at your studio door.
Secret 4… A guaranteed way to create a photography business in a competitive market, that you don’t have to work in.
Easy to believe everything you see about making money in photography, and then buy things that you will never use, or that will never do what they promised.
Do you really believe that you can make money easily in photography?Do you really believe that you can make money while you sleep without doing too much work?
Do you really believe that you can start a photography business and turnover $100,000 in the first year?
Some educators/photographers selling various products on Facebook will tell you can have a great photography business working just a couple of hours a week, or less.
Some claim that you can succeed simply by buying their free E-book.
I guess from time to time we all look for the easy way out, the magic wand, the goose that lays the golden eggs, or the Silver Bullet.
We are grown up mature adults right?
Maybe some photographers who succumb to these unrealistic claims will have a little success, but believe me, in my many years of experience the majority will fail.
But when we get desperate or get “sucked in” by advertising we start to believe in anything.
So what is the reality?
Creating and sustaining a successful photography business takes a lot of commitment, willpower, planning and time.
And, of course it takes a lot of work.
The key is to work on doing the tasks that will give you financial growth, and I don’t mean sitting at your computer playing with your files!
The alternative is learning by trial and error, which can be a big waste of your time.
We all have a certain number of hours in each day, days in each week, and weeks in each year to achieve success in our photography business.
Untested methods may work, but if you just keep doing the same things and expect things to change, then you will be very, very disappointed.
In fact, Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “
I believe you can only achieve a successful photography business, by being innovative and testing new strategies, BUT you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
It is better to learn from those who have had many years of success, than trying to learn from a multitude of many different less experienced sources.
With over 40 years of running a successful studio, and with over 5,000 hours of coaching photographers worldwide on Zoom, as a photography business coach, I can tell you that creating a consistent income stream in photography is not easy, and can be very challenging.
It also can be very fulfilling, financially rewarding, and a lot of fun.
So please mister internet don’t tell me all it takes is just an hour a week, or an 8 week online course to create my dream photography business.
In my experience what you do NEED is a real person that you can be accountable to.
A person who you can trust, a person who can guide, advise, encourage, motivate, and help you on your journey.
You need a person to SHARE your struggles and your successes.
You can’t get this level of support off the internet.
You need a person who cares.
Let’s face it, the Internet just doesn’t care, like a person does!
Try hugging your computer after you have had a bad in person sales experience and see if it cares.
You need a wife, a partner, a husband, a really good friend or a coach.
World’s number one photography business coach.
They care!
How much do I care?
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