In the forty plus years that I had my studio, and in the last few years that I have spent coaching other photographers as a Photography Business Coach, there are certain traits that I have learned hold us back from reaching the success in growing our business.

Below are 9 lessons that I have learned as a Photography Business Coach.

  1. Instant results don’t always come.

Too quickly you think “this is a waste of time, I am not going to do it anymore.” Give new strategies a chance to blossom before you stop doing them. Test and measure for a realistic amount of time. Success is always just around the corner. Be patient, persistent, and give yourself a realistic timeline to achieve the results you want.

  1. Don’t compare yourself to others.

It’s your business, and you can look at others who are much further down the road from you, but don’t compare and wish that you had their business. You only have a perceived value of the success of their business anyway, unless you have access to their profit/loss statements. You shouldn’t feel inadequate, discouraged, or lacking something. Focus instead to where you are now compared to yesterday and, totally focus on where you are going.

  1. Be busy doing the important.

Ok I am guilty. I used to spent too many hours tweaking my website, reading other blogs, and playing with new apps, and “magic wand” software. Hours turned into days, as I sat at my desk appearing very busy but actually doing nothing constructive at all. Eventually I learned what the “right” things were to focus on my business. Are you doing the same?

  1. Always take action.

Are you a list and plan maker? You spent a lot of time planning and then don’t act on anything to bring those plans to reality? Any action may be imperfect, but it will be much more useful than all your lists and plans, without any action. In fact your actions may change all the plans you made in the first place, so spend most of your time on acting, not planning, if you want to progress your business.

  1. Don’t ask yourself the wrong questions.

You spend your time and energy wondering if you are doing the right thing. Why not change these uncertainties in your head to how, who and what, in relation to actions. Get help me and spend your energy finding answers to the right questions, that will ultimately help you take increasing steps closer to success.

  1. The right time is now.

Do you procrastinate and keep putting something off because you don’t feel that you are ready? Maybe you tell yourself that you need to make a few changes, wait until the kids have grown, or leave it until next year when you have more time. Your mind is playing delay tactics and it is winning. Start now! Do something! If you start you will quickly discover what else needs to be done, and you will progress toward your dreams much sooner.

  1. You really are worthy.

You may think that you are lacking in some way, and that maybe you should not try too hard to set too high an expectation, in case you fail. So you aim a little lower or even try something easier. Don’t let your head play tricks on you. Everything gets easier the more you do it. Be persistent and you will discover that this is one of the secrets to success. Work at it and stick to it, and you will find the success you were looking for will come to you. You are indeed worthy.

  1. Listen to your heart.

If you are new at something and you want to learn how to be better, don’t you think that you should seek advice? Unfortunately you assume everyone you speak to knows what they’re talking about. Sometimes though the problem is that the wrong advice can take you in so many different directions that you’re mind gets confused, and that confusion stops you from taking any actions. Listen to the voices within. Let them guide you.

  1. You need professional help.

Getting help is not a sign of weakness. It is more a sign of sensibility. Yes you have this grand idea that you want to succeed on your own. But the reality is that we all can do better if you get the right help. Reaching out and getting experienced guidance can skyrocket your photography business. It surprises a lot of people when they learn that I have a business coach to guide me in my own business. It is the best value money that I spend. It is an investment for my future. Without my coach, I know that my business will not reach its full potential.

Making Money With Facebook

Don’t worry we recorded the webinar “Facebook For Photographers”, with Social Media expert Loren Bartley, owner of Imactiv8……

Here is the link…..

Everything that you have been told about how to grow your photography business is WRONG

Photography Business Coach

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.