Are You Too Cheap?
I am reading a book at present by Tom Poland called Leadsology.
Here is an extract…..
“My clients tend to offer premium-style services.
Top of the shelf stuff.
No compromises, only the most effective and best quality services.
If you are similar, then here is your wake-up call: a failure to charge premium prices for a premium service will repel prospects, not attract them.
Furthermore, premium-priced services attract better-quality clients who are more motivated to implement your advice, who will therefore gain immensely more value than other people, and who will consequently refer more people back to you.
This, even apart from the fact that you will make more money and have more cash in your bank account as a result of even one client engagement, is an extraordinarily powerful reason to ensure that you are one of the most expensive suppliers in the marketplace.
Premium-quality clients just flat out do not respect cheap.
Lastly, on the subject of premium pricing, having premium priced your main service, you should then additionally create what you perceive to be a super expensive, super-duper offering.”
It just makes sense.
Why would you want to attract the cheapest end of the market?
Did you know that Apple have an Apple watch priced at $14,000, as their super duper offering?
The key is to know what your target market is, and market to them.
There is heaps of additional FREE information about targeting your market on my NEW website
Difference Between A Business Coach And A Mentor
A mentor is more a relationship-oriented, and could be a friend or family member, and they don’t charge a fee.
Mentors generally are more concerned about the success of the business owner as an individual.
A Mentor is not a substitute for a business coach, as each accomplish very different objectives for your business.
A business coach helps your business tackle specific tasks and helps set the objectives, and has a commitment for growth both in the Business and the business owner.
The relationship with a business coach is most often over a twelve month period, and you could more than one coach over the lifetime of your business.
Many Photographers cringe, when they see what some coaches charge, so their normal reaction is to try to do it all by themselves.
Rather than worry about how you can’t afford a business coach, think how a coach could help, guide, and motivate you to grow your photography business, not only in helping you to create a profitable business, but also one that you will enjoy without the stress.
How Does A Business Coach Help?
A coach will show you up to date Marketing strategies, and help you to think differently, to understand more about Marketing, Lead Capture, and Customer Targeting.
You have certain expectations of your business, but to bounce your dreams and hopes off someone who’s walked the road before, who can point out pitfalls, and strengthen areas that need it.
A coach is someone with a good insight and understanding, of proven, business strategies that will push you harder, while also keeping you focussed.
Marketing Advice
In any stage of your photography business, the entire marketing strategy efforts fall on the shoulders of you, the business owner.
A good business coach who has experienced branding, and proven marketing strategies, can dramatically lift the number of customers and sales, and grow your business.
Probably the most important factor is that a coach will keep you focussed, and can help you stay on track.
Having someone to be accountable to is very important as it is easy to let yourself off the hook.
A coach serves as an accountability partner, to give you a friendly kick up the butt, and push you through the challenges.
You may be thinking of getting a business coach for your photography business, or perhaps even a mentor, and as I have mentioned, there is a distinction between the two.
Most Photographers that have not found a business coach or a mentor haven’t done so because they believe is something that they can’t afford.
The reality is (and those who have a coach understand) that you can’t afford to do without one.
Are you like most other small business owners and being driven by your vision, and it’s got you working your backside off to keep the business bringing in money.
You are doing this with a “ flying by the seat of your pants” approach, making many mistakes, but at the end of the day, only YOU know what’s best for YOUR business because it’s YOUR baby.
But is this “do it myself” approach always result in giving the best outcome for your business?
Are You Coachable ?
The next question of course, if you decide to look for a Business Coach, is, are you Coachable?
Answer the questionnaire below to find out the answer.
Do you…………
- Listen to instruction?
- Act easily doing new tasks ?
- Have a really strong passion to succeed?
- Embrace getting out of your Comfort Zone?
- Strive to improve all aspects of your life and business?
- Have patience and persistence?
- Want financial success?
If you answered yes to all of these questions, CONGRATULATIONS, you will work well with a mentor or coach.
My creed has always been – Don’t tell me how good I am, tell me how I can be better.
Is this a creed that you follow?
A report by Infusionsoft and Emergent Research, Defining and Achieving Small Business Success, found that 94 percent of small business owners surveyed identify specific financial goals for their business, but only 65 percent are confident they will achieve them.
So over a quarter of small business owners have set specific financial goals for their business, but who can’t see how they can achieve them.
This is where Business Coaches come in.
Your photography business should be continuously growing, but keep in mind that as your business moves through stages of growth, you will have new challenges that will require changes in how you run your business.
In staying competitive and profitable with growth and change, don’t forget that it is ok to ask for help along the way.