4 Facts That I Know, Based On My Experience, About Wedding/Portrait Photography.
These are good times for photographers who are business and marketing educated.
Many photographers today have a great photography business.
The consumer market demands good quality photography .
There is a strong demand for the right photography products.
When you learn how to attract the right clients, and once you discover how to sell to clients, and once you get busy and put into practice running a “real” business, and start to “test and measure” everything that you do, you will be well rewarded.
Your photography will be in demand if you market in the right way, and you will have a good income that can last a lifetime.
Lots of photographers are achieving great success, whether it be in the big cities or in country towns.
One of my clients in an outer city suburb has over 40 photography sessions booked in her diary.
Another client photographs over 400 portraits a year.
Four of my clients made monthly gross turnover records, while others have achieved amazing high sales.
The wedding photographer who was struggling getting couples to book, then on my advice simplified his wedding price list and booked the next two couples that he interviewed.
Believe me, these photographers didn’t believe that they could achieve such amazing results a few months ago either.
These are the reasons I love being a photography business coach.
What About You?
So what about you? Maybe as you read this you are wondering why you aren’t having as much success.
Maybe you have tried evrything and you still are not getting the financial return that you would like.
You may also may have had your photography business for many years and are feeling tired and unmotivated.
It is all getting too hard.
I would like to offer a little advice.
I have a sticker on my laptop.
It says ” Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people.”
So although some of my photography clients are having some success now, it hasn’t always been that way.
They have had their “low” moments in their business, and will probably have lots more in the future.
Everyone photography business owner does!
Even the most successful and accomplished photographer you know has days when they feel like they are banging their head against a brick wall.
Success in your photography business is partly to do with luck, but a lot of it is about having a plan, and consistently working towards what you’re trying to achieve.
Trust me. No one has a perfect photography business.
Your business, like life itself is a jouney, not a destination.
Bernie’s Fantastic Facebook Challenge
The Original Bernie’s Facebook Challenge.
Sweeping the world over the last 12 Months has been an amazing Facebook post that has revolutionised Facebook advertising for wedding/portrait photographers.
Globally known as “Bernie’s Facebook Challenge” it started on three different podcast platforms.
Hundreds of photographers around the world have implemented the step by step strategies that I mentioned on the Podcasts and as a result they have photographed heaps of photography portrait and engagement sessions, and in the process have made many dollars in sales, not only in portrait sales but also in wedding bookings.
This is just one of the many marketing strategies that I use when I work with in my photography business coaching.
CHECK OUT THE PODCAST https://photobizx.com/Book+More+Portrait+Photography+Sessions
What Andrew Hellmich from Photobizx Had To Say……………
“Last week I interviewed Bernie Griffiths, a photography coach who helps photographers attract clients and make sales. Anyway, he put forward a challenge to the listeners and me. The challenge: construct a FB post, boost it and get more bookings than ever before. I’ve done this a heap of times already but have never seen the success I did this week!
I ran my ad one week ago today and paid $30 to boost the post. My results so far have blown me away!
40 Enquiries about the shoots, 17 confirmed bookings, 14 potential clients we’ve left messages for and are yet to hear from 9 potential clients to call back following voice mail messages they’ve left for us over the weekend.”
To Your Amazing Photography Business Success Your Photography Business Coach