Photography Business Coach Puts On A Happy Face

What a fantastic couple of weeks it has been for myself, and some of the photographers that I have been coaching as a photography business coach.

Some of the success stories……………..

A massive $9,200 portrait sale for one photographer, but the amazing thing was that the client only purchased a bg bunch of prints in just 5×7 and 10×8 inch sizes.

20 plus Mothers Day vouchers sold by another photographer.

Facebook Ads done the right way, are bringing in lots of photography sessions.

Corporate Headshots are still a booming market, with some photographers charging over $300 per file.

Photographer with over 100 engaged couples responding to a Facebook post.

And this email from a photographer who had just one single Skype session with me..exciting because she went out and acted upon my suggestions.

“I just thought I would send you a quick email to give you a bit of an update on my progress since you helped me…

Firstly, I want to say a big THANK YOU for all you taught me and how you opened up my eyes to a lot of things in regards to marketing and business that I could not see.

As you said yourself, I was doing a lot of things right but the things that I was doing wrong and I have changed have definitely changed my business for the better 🙂

I no longer do online galleries…

Every customer now comes back to look at their gallery in-person and I haven’t had one person complain 🙂 I have found this a massive change – not only does it make the whole process easier and quicker, I feel it offers better customer service (as I can discuss and offer solutions to questions on the spot) and my sales have definitely increased.

Yes I definitely still have the odd customer here and there that is adamant they will not spend more than originally planned (just want digital images!) but I’d say at least 50% upgrade to prints as well.

I now have a credit card/ eftpos facility. That has been a major game-changer!

Sales on-the-spot and no chasing customers. Yay!

I am still doing my adwords advertising. After a month or so of trial-and-error with different types of ads we seem to have created ones that are attracting the right customers and enquiries are pretty good.

I know they could still be better but hopefully with time. For now I’m pretty happy!

The adwords is still costing a lot (as I know you mentioned) but it’s returning a profit and I feel it’s worth it as I’m reaching people who I would never reach through word-of-mouth.

My vouchers have started rolling out. I have linked up with a few people who have local small businesses who attract a similar customer. Fitness trainer, pilates instructor (pregnancy classes), mortgage broker, Tupperware representative, birth/children acupuncturist.

I took your advise and told them to only hand the vouchers out as a ‘reward’ so it is valued.

In return for these people, I promote their businesses and offer a free photo shoot if I receive a lot of sales through them.

Fingers crossed the ball will start rolling more with the roll-out of vouchers and business will pick up.

But for now I’m definitely much happier than I was back when I spoke to you, things are looking much better!

Thank you again :)”   Michelle

Why My Sad Face

There are so many photographers who would like to create a better income from their photography.

The sad fact is that only a small percent ever will.

They read books, watch webinar relays, listen to podcasts, have some great ideas, ask other photographers advice, but never act on anything that they have learned.

My sad face.

Michelle is the reason I do what I do…she is serious in walking the path toward success.

Are you like Michelle?

Will you act on some solid proven Marketing strategies to propell your business forward.

Rants Raves And Myths

It was great to be invited back by Michael Coy onto his Cashtography Podcast.

We ranted and raved about some of the misguided information that is being put out into the photography business world.

Pricing, wall art, and the reality of how long it takes to go full time in a photography business, were some of the  topics that we became “fired up” about.

You want the truth….here it is.

Put on your headphones and tune in at

Need help in your photography business….

email me on on or call 0418509228.

photography business coach Bernie Griffiths has had over 40 years of experience in proven, profitable, photography business solutions.